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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Iben Birgitte Pedersen

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Convicted Persons

In StatBank the statistics are published in [Convicted Persons] (

Furthermore the statistics are published in the publication "Kriminalitet" (Criminality) and the publication "Indvandrere i Danmark" (Immigrants in Denmark, as from 2005).

See more at the Subject page.

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

There is no news release linked to this statistics.


The statistics on convicted persons are published in: The publication "Kriminalitet" (Criminality) and the publication "Indvandrere i Danmark" (Immigrants in Denmark, as from 2005).

On-line database

The statistics are published in the StatBank in the following tables:

  • STRFSOC1: Persons guilty in crimes by sex, age, socioeconomic status and time
  • STRFSOC2: Persons guilty in crimes by type of offence, socioeconomic status and time
  • STRFUDD1: Persons guilty in crimes by sex, age, education and time
  • STRFUDD2: Persons guilty in crimes by type of offence, education and time
  • STRAFNA3: Persons guilty in crimes by sex, age, country of origin and time
  • STRAFNA4: Persons guilty in crimes by type of offence, country of origin and time
  • STRAFNA5: Persons guilty in crimes by country of origin, type of decision and time
  • STRAFNA6: Persons guilty in crimes by region, sex, age, national origin and time
  • STRAFNA7: Persons guilty in crimes by region, type of offence and time
  • STRAFNA8: Persons guilty in crimes by region, type of decision and time
  • STRAFNA9: Persons guilty in crimes by sex, age, ancestry and time
  • STRFNA10: Persons guilty in crimes by type of offence, ancestry and time
  • STRFNA11: Persons guilty in crimes by type of decision, ancestry and time
  • STRFNA12: Guilty persons by sex, age, ancestry, citizenship and time
  • STRFNA13: Guilty persons by citizenship, type of offence and time
  • STRFNA14: Guilty persons by citizenship, ancestry, type of decision and time

Micro-data access

Data on convicted persons are kept as ready-made files containing basic information at individual level. Taylor made statistics can be prepared on the basis of the ready-made files. Through Statistics Denmark's Division of Research Service it is possible for researchers to be granted access to anonymised data, i.e., data for which all identification details such as ID numbers have been removed.


Final data are available to DST Consulting, The Division of Research Services and other users in Statistics Denmark.

Confidentiality - policy

Data Confidentiality Policy in Statistics Denmark.

Confidentiality - data treatment

The published statistics on convicted persons is distributed by no other characteristics than municipality, sex, age, origin and citizenship. This ensures that convicted persons not can be related to individuals.

Documentation on methodology

The method used in calculating the standardised criminality index is described in the paper Indirect standardisation (in Danish only)

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.