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Business Dynamics
Alina Grecu
+45 30 55 18 24

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Danish Foreign Affiliates

The primary users of the statistics are ministries and other public institutions, and international organizations such as OECD and the European Commission. In addition the users cover news media, various industrial organizations and others with interest in globalization and the involvement abroad by Danish companies.

Surveys on the users level of satisfaction have not been carried out, but users of the statistics express that they are satisfied with the statistics and its value.

User Needs

The primary users of the statistics are politicians, ministries, departments, regions and municipalities and also OECD and the European Commission (Eurostat). In addition the users cover news media, various industrial organizations and researchers and others with interest in globalization and the involvement abroad by Danish companies.

Users of the statistics, primarily the European Commission (Eurostat), have expressed the need for additional variable, namely the value added variable.

User Satisfaction

Users of the statistics are content about the statistics and its value, but at the same time calls for additional information regarding the foreign affiliates.

Data completeness rate

This indicator is based on the data delivery to Eurostat. Information required to perform this calculation for a given survey-year will be available in the 2. half of the survey-year +2 years.

(Regarding the 2019-survey this indicator was 100 per cent - which means that Statistics Denmark delivers all data requested by Eurostat)

This indicator on the completeness of data regarding the publication on national level is not being calculated, but is estimated to be 100 per cent as well.