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Statistical presentation

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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Jane Christensen
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Disability services for children and young people

The statistics consist of an annual compilation of the number of disability measures granted, pursuant to relevant sections of the Social Services Act, to children and youth under 18 years of age who have reduced physical or mental functional capacity. The statistics contain information on the number of granted measures and the number of beneficiaries. Data are presented and classified by age, sex, and type of disability measure. Data are also classified by municipalities and provinces. The statistics are published in StatBank Denmark and a NYT article (News from Statistics Denmark).

Data description

The statistics on Disability Measures for Children and Youth are calculated on a yearly basis and contain information on the number of disability services granted to children and youth by Danish municipalities pursuant to selected sections of the Act on Social Services. The statistics include data on both the number of children and the number of granted measures in a given reference year. The statistics were published for the first time in 2023 and are henceforth planned to be published on a yearly basis.

The statistics consist of four statistical tables published in StatBank Denmark, an occurrence register provided to relevant researchers and ministries, and a NYT article in Danish (News from Statistics Denmark) authored by Statistics Denmark.

Statistical tables, HANDBU01-HANDBU04, are based on data on children and youth (0-17 years old) contained in Statistics Denmark’s accumulated statistical registry of children and youth who have received one or several disability measures.

The StatBank tables contain information on the number of yearly disability measures initiated during the reference year and the number of measures granted in previous years that continue to be in effect during the reference period. The tables also contain information on the number of children and youth receiving a disability measure for the first time, as well as the number of persons who continue to receive one or several disability services.

Depending on the degree of discretization, the data presented are classified by administrative municipality (i.e., the municipality obliged to provide aid regarding the reported disability), province, type of measure/service, age, and sex. Age is calculated as of December 31 of a given reference year. A child or young person can receive one or several disability measures simultaneously.

Classification system

These statistics are grouped geographically by Regions, Provinces and Municipalities.

In addition, the data are grouped by type of measure, relevant legal section, sex, and age (at year-end) in the age groups 0-5 years, 6-11 years, and 12-17 years.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Disability measure: A measure consisting of an active effort to aid children and youth who have a physical or mental disability. Measures can also be granted to parents and/or next of kin.

Administrative municipality: The municipality obligated to grant measures to children and youth, pursuant to regulations on disability services for children and youth formulated in the Consolidation Act on Social Services.

Beneficiary : A person (child or youth) who is the reason that a disability service is being granted to the child, a young person, the parents, or next of kin.

Statistical unit

Disability measures for children and youth (0-17 years) that have been implemented.

Statistical population

The statistics are based on children and youth (0-17 years old), who have or are receiving disability services pursuant to following sections of the Act on Social Services:

  • Special day care for children (§ 32)
  • Home training of children (§ 32a)
  • Special club offers for older children and young people (§ 36)
  • Personal help and care (§ 44 cf. § 83)
  • Supersede or relief of parents or other close relatives (§ 44, cf. § 84, subsection 1)
  • Help to maintain physical or mental skills (§ 44, cf. § 86, subsection 2)
  • Accompanying arrangement for children and young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who cannot travel alone (§ 45)

Reference area


Time coverage

Data are updated 2 years back in all StatBank tables with each release.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Multiple measurement units are used in the compilation of the indicators, including:

  • Number of persons

  • Number of measures

Reference period

Calendar year

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Data is collected on the basis of Section 6 of the Danish Statistics Act. In addition, the municipalities report data pursuant to §§32, 32, 32a, 36, 44 and 45 of the Consolidation Act on Social Services. Data reporting is based on §82 and §84 of the Consolidation Act on Legal Protection and Administration in Social Matters. Data reporting and collection are also regulated by current Executive Order on Data Transmission in the Social Policy Area.

The statistics are not subject to EU regulation.

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct reporting burden in relation to the compilation of these statistics. Municipalities who supplement their records with manual reports do have a non-estimated report burden.

All of the municipalities experience a degree of work burden connected to the yearly process of data validation.


For further information, contact Statistics Denmark, or see the subject page of the statistics Handicapkompenserende indsatser,