Disability services for children and young people
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Personal Finances and WelfareJane Christensen
+45 20 58 42 40
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The purpose of the statistics Disability Measures for Children and Young People is to shed light on the number of disability measures that are granted by Danish municipalities to children and youth with a reduced physical or mental functional capacity.
The statistics are used, among other things, for policy preparation, in public debate, and for research. The statistics were compiled for the first time in 2022 and include measures granted from January 1, 2022, onward in accordance with paragraphs in the Consolidation Act on Social Services (hereinafter referred to as the Social Services Act). The statistics replace the summary information on disability measures provided to children and youth, which were previously reported in connection with the statistics on social resources.
Statistical presentation
The statistics consist of an annual compilation of the number of disability measures granted, pursuant to relevant sections of the Social Services Act, to children and youth under 18 years of age who have reduced physical or mental functional capacity. The statistics contain information on the number of granted measures and the number of beneficiaries. Data are presented and classified by age, sex, and type of disability measure. Data are also classified by municipalities and provinces. The statistics are published in StatBank Denmark and a NYT article (News from Statistics Denmark).
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Statistical processing
Data for this statistics are collected continuously from the administrative systems of the 98 municipalities in Denmark, or through input into Statistics Denmark's web reporting solution, IDEP, which is accessible via Virk.dk or Statistics Denmark's information page. Existing information contained in the registries of Statistics Denmark is updated with what is reported throughout the reference year.
Subsequently, the municipalities' reports are linked with interventions already in the registries. For each child and young person, existing cases are updated with what has been reported during the year. Data is gathered in a longitudinal register that includes all individuals who, during their first 17 years of life, have received one or more disability measures according to the Social Services Act.
Data are validated and potentially corrected by the municipalities, and subsequently approved by the municipalities as an accurate reflection of their activity for the respective year. Following this process, the reported information is aggregated and supplemented with data from Statistics Denmark's population register.
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The statistics are relevant for researchers, journalists, social authorities (including the ministries and municipalities) and other interested in disability services granted to children and youth.
Accuracy and reliability
Disability services for children and youth may be granted by various departments within municipalities. Due to the use of different digital systems for data reporting and transmission by municipalities, the data are not systematically and uniformly registered. Municipalities administer cases and provide services differently, which can result in the same case or measure being registered under different sections and subsections of the legislation. The full extent of this practice is not known.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately 6 months after the end of the reference period and are released without delay according to the scheduled publication date.
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The statistics on disability services are most comparable with data previously collected and published in the statistics on social resources. Direct international comparisons cannot be made due to differences in data collection methods and reporting practices.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik, a Danish-language press release by Statistics Denmark.
Data are also accessible in in Statbank Denmark, under the disability section:: Handicapområdet. For additional details, refer to the subject page of the statistics.