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Labour Market
Thomas Thorsen
+45 23 69 94 27

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Employees (monthly)

There are no changes in methodology since these statistics where first introduced. Data are comparable during the whole period.

Comparability - geographical

Similar statistics are not available in other countries as the data source (the eIncome register in SKAT - the Danish Customs and Tax Administration) is unique to Denmark.

Comparability over time

In the preliminary release, the employment figures are grouped by sector and overall industries. The revised and final figures are distributed by sector, by more detailed industries and by geographical workplaces. Data is debugged, adjusted and quality guaranteed in relation to breakdowns on industry, sector and geography etc., by assessing corporate reporting and workplace location over time. The data are comparable over time. From 1st Quarter 2013 a new sector classification based on ESA 2010, further divided as ESR sectors is used. Numbers for 2008 to 2012 are available using both old and new sector classification. When publishing the revised numbers for 1st Quarter 2013, revisions have been carried out for the complete period from 2008 to 2012. The revisions include:

  1. correction for unpaid absence in municipalities and regions from 1st Quarter 2008 to 3rd Quarter 2011 reducing the number of full-time employed in the two sectors,
  2. removal of jobs with little volume that should not be considered employment, which has only marginal influence on the number of full-time employed, and
  3. quality improvements which mainly influence the distribution on industry, sector and workplace geography.

At the publication of the revised figures for third quarter of 2018 demographic information are added, and smaller revisions of the period 2008-2018 are done.

Coherence - cross domain

Monthly figures on the number of persons with employee jobs act as input to the calculation of quarterly figures on the number of persons with employee jobs.

Quarterly employment statistics are also published in other publications which, in some cases, are based on other data sources and are therefore not directly comparable:

  • Public employment statistics which uses part of the Employee Statistics population.
  • Quarterly Working Time Accounts, where the number of employees since the transition to eIncome sources end of 2013 has been projected based on figures from the Employment statistics for employees.
  • National accounts whose employment is based on the Working Time Accounts.
  • Labour Force Survey, which is based on a household survey.
  • Employment in the construction industry, which is based on a survey among companies in the construction industry.

Coherence - internal

The statistics are consistent within a given data set.