Statistical presentation
The employment statistics for employees is published on a quarterly and monthly basis. The statistics shows the development in the number of people with employee job. On a quarterly basis the number of full-time employees is also published. The statistics is distributed by sector and industries both in the monthly statistics and in the quarterly statistics. Furthermore, workplace geography, residence geography, age, sex and ancestry is also illustrated on a quarterly basis.
Data description
Full-time employees: The number of full-time employees is based on the number of hours paid for in a month divided by 160.33. The number of full-time employees in the quarter is calculated as the average number of full-time employees in the tree months of the quarter. The number of persons with a job as employee is calculated as the average number of persons with employee jobs during the reference period. Number of persons with employee job is published on a monthly and quarterly basis. All variables can be viewed on the Statistics Denmark's website.
Classification system
The preliminary statistics are distributed by sectors and overall DB07 industries (10 and 19 Standard industrial groupings). The revised and final statistics are distributed by sectors, more detailed DB07 industries (19 Standard industrial groupings) and workplace geography. In the final statistic data is distributed by geography of residence, age, sex and ancestry.
Sector coverage
These statistics include employee jobs in Danish enterprises where wages are reported to Danish tax authorities' income register, regardless of sector and whether the employee lives in Denmark or abroad. The statistics cover all sectors, which Danish registered enterprises can be assigned (i.e. all sectors excluding the rest of the world and foreign-controlled entities).
Statistical concepts and definitions
Employee: Person who work for a public or private employer and who receives compensation in the form of wages, salaries, payment by results or payment in kind. Non-conscript members of the armed forces are also included.
Employee job: An employees attachment to an establishment (local kind of activity unit) for a period of time. One person can have more than one job at different establishments during the same reference period and can have more than one job at the same establishment during different periods.
Person with an employee job: Person who has an employee job without conversion to a full-time equivalent. All employees are included regardless of whether they work full or part time. Also, employees who have employee job as a side job to a main job as self-employed are included. Finally, employees who are resident outside the country are included in the calculation. A person who has only employee job part of the month is only included in the relevant part of the month. Employees who for up to 45 days have not received wages, but subsequently returned to the same employer, are included in the period without pay.
Full-time employee: On the basis of the total paid hours of work, one full-time employee is calculated by dividing the total number of paid hours in a month with 160.33. The number of full-time employees in the quarter is calculated as the average number of full-time employees in three months of the quarter.
Paid hour of work for employees: A paid employee hour, is an hour that an employer has paid wages for or which is covered by a salary.
Establishment (workplace): The geographical location which the employee is assigned to professionally.
Statistical unit
The number of full-time employees is measured as the number of paid hours converted to full-time employment and published as integers. The number of people with employee jobs are measured in number of persons in the month or as an average of the three months of the quarter.
Statistical population
Employees in Danish registered companies.
Reference area
Employment statistics for employees include employee jobs in Danish enterprises regardless of whether the employee lives in Denmark or abroad.
Time coverage
These statistics cover the time period from 2008 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The number of full-time employees is measured in full-time equivalents and published rounded to integers. Number of persons with employee jobs is measured in number of persons and published in integers.
Reference period
Month and quarter.
Frequency of dissemination
These statistics are published monthly and quarterly.
Legal acts and other agreements
Data is received from the Ministry of Taxation's (former SKAT's) eIncome Register according to the Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik) § 6. The compilation of these statistics is not covered by any EU-legislation.
Cost and burden
These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics. Data are collected by the Danish tax authorities (the Ministry of Taxation).
Further information can be found at the subject page Employees for these statistics, or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly. General information about the conceptual differences between employment statistics can be found at the subject page for Employment and unemployment.