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Science, Technology and CultureOle Olsen
+45 29 77 14 98
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The data users are mainly public authorities working with environment, resources and business activities and international goals in these areas, including the SDG's from 2015. Associations in the same fields are interested as well. The level of satisfaction has not yet been measured.
User Needs
Information about business activities related to environmental and resource purposes is highly requested, in order to show the importance for the business sector in this field. Statistics on environmental goods and services (EGSS) has the aim to provide such information and was established in cooperation with governmental agencies in these fields. The development in in the green activities is followed by governmental agencies.
User Satisfaction
Not yet measured.
The members of relevant fora for dialogue about the statistics has been informed and involved.
Data completeness rate
The dissemination for 2012 to 2014 got further than requested in the EU-regulation. This was due to domestic interests. Since only requirements in the regulation has been met.
Only results for market-based activities is included in the results are published in DK. EGSS in the public sector can indirectly be found in the statistics on the public sectors spending on environmental sector.
In the deliveries to Eurostat a total including non-market activities by industry is submitted next to the market-based values