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Statistical presentation

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Environmental Goods and Services

Environmental goods and services (EGSS) is products with specific environmental or resource saving purposes (e.g. waste water management or production of windmills) as general products cleaner and/or more resource efficient than similar types. Freezers with low energy consumption and construction of low energy houses are examples. The statistics is part of the the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark.

The statistics are designed to show results by 16 environmental and resource saving purposes and by type of industry. The activities are categorized in: Environmental specific services, connected goods and services and cleaner and resource efficient products.

Data description

Environmental goods and services are products with specific environmental or resource saving purposes (e.g. waste water management or production of windmills) as general products cleaner and/or more resource efficient than similar types. Freezers with low energy consumption and construction of house with very low use of energy are examples.

The statistics is designed to show results broken down by 8 environmental protection areas and 8 resource saving areas. The kind of activities can be categorized in 3 sub-types: Environmental specific services, connected goods and services and cleaner and resource efficient products.

Non-market based environmental goods and services also exists, mainly as public services and as internal environmental costs in the enterprises. These elements are not in this statistic.

The products and services are as far as possible only counted in first stage of production cycle. Activities within transport and trade sector is not included.

Main indicators are turnover, export, value added and employment. However, other variables can be compiled as well.

Data for the statistics is collected for 2013, 2015,2017, 2019 and 2021 by a survey targeting types of industry expected to partly produce environmental goods and services. For 9 types of industry (2-digit level) the needed data are (from 2017) derived or estimated from existing statistics. For 2021 the construction sector is again part of the survey, so the model based approach can be consolidated.

Classification system

The environmental goods and services are shown broken down on protective and resource saving activities.

For environmental protection the CEPA classification (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities) is used:

  • Cepa 1: Protection of ambient air and climate.
  • Cepa 2: Wastewater management.
  • Cepa 3: Waste management.
  • Cepa 4: Protection of soil, groundwater and surface water.
  • Cepa 5: Noise and vibration abatement.
  • Cepa 6: Protection of biodiversity and landscape.
  • Cepa 7: Protection against radiation.
  • Cepa 8: Environmental research and development.
  • Cepa 9: Other Environmental protection activities.

In the data collection and dissemination CEPA 7 is reported under CEPA 9.

For resource saving / optimizing is used the CreMa classification (Classification of resource Management activities):

  • CreMa 10: Management of water.
  • CreMa 11: Management of forest areas (11a og 11b).
  • CreMa 12: Management of wild flora and fauna.
  • CreMa 13: Management of energy resources. 13A: Production of energy from renewable resources. 13B: Heat/eanergy saving and management. 13C: Minimisation of use of fossile materials.
  • CreMa 14: Management of minerals.
  • CreMa 15: Research and development for ressource management.
  • CreMa 16: Other ressource management activities.

CreMa 12 are not directly included in the statistics, as the market based activities in these fields are seen as insignificant. Activities may be recorded under CreMa 16.

I the future a recently new classification, Classification of Environmental Purposes, CEP, has to be used. It covers substantially the same activities, but they are reordered and the distinction between environmental protection and resource management is cancelled.

The main change is that more efficient use of materials now are merged under the group CEP 042: Materials recovery and savings, where previously reported under CreMa 11B, 13C and 14, respectively

Sector coverage

The EGSS statistics covers the following NACE-groups:

  • A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  • C Manufacturing (excluded specific types not expected to produce EGSS-products)
  • D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
  • E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
  • F Construction
  • M Professional, scientific and technical activities - selected types of industry

Statistical concepts and definitions

Annual Work Units as Employment Related to Environmental Goods and Services: Employment related to environmental goods and services in AWU.

Monetary Value of Export of Environmental Goods and Services: Export of environmental goods and services in mio. DKK.

Monetary Value of Turnover from Environmental Goods and Services: Turnover from environmental goods and services in mio. DKK.

Monetary Value for Value Added from Environmental Goods and Services: Value added from environmental goods and services.

Statistical unit

The core units in the data collection and dissemination is the legal business units, grouped by type of industry. In few cases the economic unit is used. All units are in principle covered, independent of economic size.

Statistical population

Includes business units in agriculture, manufacturing, energy supply, sewage and waste, construction and professional/scientific .

Reference area


Time coverage

2012 and forward

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Turnover, export and gross value added is shown in million DKK, current prices. Employment is shown in annual work units, AWU.

Reference period

Calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Data used in the statistics is partly existing data, partly data collected specifically for this statistics. These data are collected according to the Law on Statistics Denmark, paragraph 8.

The EGSS-statistic and five other statistics (modules) are framed by regulation 691/2011. Further, implementing regulation 2015/2174 and 2022/125 are in force.

The regulation decides that first data on EGSS had to be submitted to Eurostat by the end of 2017 with 2015 as the first reference year, but 2014-results are obligatory as well. The early compilation in Denmark (from 2012) was partly due to a wish from governmental agencies to get information earlier than stipulated by the regulation.

Cost and burden

DKK 100.000 for 2021.


Please contact Statistics Denmark in case of further questions.