Contact info
Business DynamicsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25
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The statistics is relevant for analysis of the Danish business development and structure.
Users of the statistic are: government agencies, corporate agencies, Eurostat, regions, counties as well as private enterprises and private persons.
User Needs
Central users are: government departments and agencies, business centres, Eurostat, Regions, municipalities, private enterprises and private persons.
The statistics provides the background for a number of different tailor made service tasks where the primary data are also combined with other statistical registers, among others IDA (Integrated Database for research of the Labour-market), RAS (Register based-labour force statistics) and the Register of Education and Training Statistics. The statistics is used for longitudinal analyses, analyses of single sectors and activities, and also form an important basis for the production of statistics on the information society.
User Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction are not compiled.
Data completeness rate
The General enterprise statistics only includes real active enterprises. This is in compliance with guidelines made by Eurostat.