Statistical processing
Contact info
Business DynamicsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25
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The Statistics are collected yearly, and are based on internal registers in Statistics Denmark. Primarily the Statistical Business Register and the Account statistics. The sources are compiled an aggregated to the level of publication. There is a minimal error detection and treatment done, since the statistics mainly is based on final data from other statistics and registers.
Source data
The following statistics, register and sources are used as input to the General enterprise statistic:
- Accounts statistics (Non-agricultural industries, accounts)
- VAT statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The employment statistics (via The Statistical Business Register)
- The Statistical Business Register.
Frequency of data collection
The statistics is collected annually.
Data collection
The statistics collected by direct access to registers within Statistics Denmark.
Data validation
The statistics is build on validated data. In the production of the statistics figures of turnover and employment are compared to earlier published figures.
Data compilation
Data is collected from the internal statistical registers in Statistics Denmark, and summarized from micro level to the aggregations chosen for our Statbank, and with the cutoffs chosen for the statistics.
No correction are made other than already mentioned under the two sections; data validation