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Health Insurance Statistics

Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and Statbank Denmark

Annual publications (selected sections): Statistical Ten-Year Review.

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

Further information is available at: Health Insurance Statistics


The statistics are presented in Statistical Ten-Year Review and Denmark in Figures, which can be found in Statistics Denmark’s web pages.

On-line database

The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject in the following tables:

  • SYGP1: Number of persons with contacts covered by public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGPS1: Recievers og public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGK1: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGKS1: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGU1: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGUS1: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGP2: Number of persons with contacts covered by public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGPS2: Recievers og public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGK2: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGKS2: Contacts covered by the public health insurance by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGU2: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGUS2: Public health insurance expenses by region, type of benefits, age and sex
  • SYGFAM: Population by key figures, type of benefits, family type, sex, age and time
  • SYGHER: Population by key figures, type of benefits, ancestry, sex, age and time
  • SYGIND: Population by key figures, type of benefits, income level, sex, age and time
  • SYGSOC: Population by key figures, type of benefits, socioeconomic status, sex, age and time
  • SYGSIK: Population by region, health insurance group and time
  • LIGEHB6: Consultations with the general practitioner by region, sex, age, family type and time
  • LIGEHI6: Gender equality indicator of consultation with the general practitioner by indicator, region, age, family type and time

Micro-data access

External access to de-identified micro-data is only available via Statistics Denmark’s Research Services.


There are no separate restrictions in the access to data. The health insurance register with de-identified micro-data exists in PSD (Statistics Denmark internal database) and as module data (SD internal database), and data can be made available to employees in e.g. Statistics Denmark’s Research Services and SD Consulting on application in this regard.

Confidentiality - policy

Publication from the register will be in accordance to the data privacy policy of Statistics Denmark: Data privacy policy.

Confidentiality - data treatment

The statistics are not published at a level detailed enough for individuals to be identified.

Documentation on methodology

The basis and contents of the statistics are described (in Danish) in “Statistiske Efterretninger, Sociale forhold, sundhed og retsvæsen”. Statistical Information for 2012 is the last version of this. Furthermore, the content of the register of health insurance is documented (in Danish) in Statistics Denmark’s documentation system (TIMES) including selected variables such as Højkvalitetsdokumentation (high quality documentation): Højkvalitetsdokumentation.

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.