Statistical presentation
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Innovation in the enterprise sector is a yearly statistics on resources used for R&D and share of innovative enterprises. The statistics is distributed by sector, size class and region.
Data description
The aim of the statistics is to analyze the scope, type and effect of business enterprise innovation, including shedding light on the innovation activities.
It contains one part concerning the inputs, e.g. activities and resources used, a second part concerning the process (conditions and knowledge sharing) and a third part concerning the output.
The most important indicators are:
- Expenses for internal R&D
- Expenses for purchase of R&D
- Expenses for running cost for innovation, exclusive of R&D
- Purchase of material , equipment and software
- Purchase of external rights -Purchase of other external knowledge
- Purchase of consultancy
Per cent of innovators by type of innovation: - Product innovation -Process innovation - Innovation total
Share of enterprises with and without cooperation on innovation activities
Classification system
- Danish Industrial Classification 2007
- size class of enterprise, based on number of full-time equivalents by the following size classes:
- Below 10 full-time employees
- 10-49 full-time employees
- 50-249 full-time employees
- 250(+) full-time employees Geografically the statistics is distributed by regions.
Sector coverage
Enterprises in the private business sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Innovative: An innovative enterprise is an enterprise, which have introduced product and/or process innovation
Product innovative: A product innovative enterprise is an enterprise, which have introduced goods or services that are new or significantly changed. The products must be new to the enterprise, but may have been developed or introduced by others earlier.
Process innovative: A process-innovative enterprise is an enterprise, which have introduced new or significantly changed production methods, routines, methods concerning logistics, distribution, accounting and other administrative functions, organization of external relations, responsibilities or human resources, or methods for promotion of products, packaging, pricing, product exposure or customer relations.. The process must be new to the enterprise, but may have been developed or used by others earlier.
PP-innovative: A PP-innovative enterprise is an enterprise, which have introduces new or significantly changed products (product innovative) and/or processes (process innovative). From 2018 this concept is identical with the concept of innovative enterprises.
Organizational innovative: An organizational innovative enterprise is an enterprise, which have introduced new or significantly changed methods for organizing the working place, knowledge management or external relations, including new organizations introduced as a result of a strategic management decision. The concept does not include new organization which are mainly the result of a fusion or taking over of an enterprise. From the 2018 survey this concept is omitted.
Statistical unit
Enterprises (economic units).
Statistical population
The frame population is drawn from the Business Register, and consists of a population of 18,639 enterprises in 2020.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover 2007 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
A range of units of measurement are used: number of enterprises, per cent (e.g. percentage of turnover originating from newly developed products), qualitative measures (e.g. the degree to which clients, customers, suppliers, universities etc.) influence the innovation activities), DKK (in thousands).
Reference period
01-01-2018 - 31-12-2022
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark (Consolidated act No 599 of 22 June 2000).
Data are collected in accordance with Decision No 1608/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2003 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 995/2012 implementing Decision No 1608/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards statistics on innovation.
Cost and burden
The estimated response burden for the reference year 2016 is 6 million DKK. Including the R&D data collection.
Other information, .g. questionnaires, tables etc., can be found on Statistics Denmarks' theme page concerning research and development (R&D) and innovation, see Danmarks Statistik.