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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
Peter Rørmose Jensen
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Input-Output Tables

On the basis of National Accounts product balances tables are compiled which in monetary terms describes how goods and services have been flowing in the economy between suppliers and users. The table contains detailed data for economic structures which enables the compilation of an input-output model that can be used to calculate direct as well as indirect consequences of changes in the level of final demand.

Data description

An input-output table gives a detailed description of the production structure in the economy and the use of goods and services. Thus, the table can be seen as a further specification of the three main national accounts; products (goods and services), production and generation of income. The input-output table therefore constitutes an integrated part of national accounts statistics and is consistent with the national accounts in specific years and over time.

The reason why the input-output table has a specific role to play nevertheless compared to other national accounts statistics is that it facilitates a compilation of an input-output model. An input-output model is a mathematical reformulation of the tables. It is by nature linear and as such quite easy to use. Building on the internal dependencies between suppliers and users the model can measure the direct as well as indirect effects on e.g. employment and energy use of changes in final demand.

Tables are compiled in current prices as well as previous years prices (PYP). Currently they are available on an annual basis for the period 1966 to 2019. Tables with import-adjusted growth contribution is now published in the table IOVB. It is calculated with an input-output model based on the input-output tables.

Classification system

As the input-output tables are so closely integrated with the final national accounts classifications are the same.

Danish Industry Classification (DB07), which is a Danish version of the international nomenclatures NACE, Rev. 2, ISIC, Rev. 4, includes some standard groupings of industries, 127, 36, 19 and 10 industries. National accounts as well as the input-output tables use a slightly modified version version of this classification with 117, 69, 38, 21 and 12 industries. The grouping of 117 industries in the final Danish national accounts is with few exceptions similar to the 127 grouping and the 117 industries can be aggregated to each of the other standard groupings of DB07.

Consumption by households as well as the individual part of government consumption are in the input-output tables distributed by the COICOP classification while the collective part of government consumption are split into 10 different COFOG groups.

In an international (especially EU-) perspective there is a high degree of comparability with national accounts and input-output tables made by other countries.

Sector coverage

All industries in "Dansk Branchekode 2007" (Danish Industry Classification 2007) (DB07) are covered. However, the most detailed level of publication is the same 117 industries as the final national accounts operates on.

Statistical concepts and definitions

The national accounts as well as the input-output tables are compiled according to the definitions in EU's "European System of National and Regional Accounts - ESA2010", which is a European version of the UN's "A System of National Accounts 2008". Chapter 9 in the ENS-manual gives a framework for compiling supply/use tables and how they can be used to compile input-output tables.

Statistical unit

Input-output tables are a product of of the final national accounts and the units relevant for input-output are therefore the same as there. For the compilation of output, intermediate consumption, taxes linked to production and subsidies, wages and salaries, employment, fixed capital formation and depreciation, the statistical unit is the local kind-of-activity unit. For the compilation of distributive and financial transactions, which cannot be divided up unambiguously among the individual kind-of-activity units belonging to a decision making unit (enterprise), the unit is the larger institutional unit, which in most cases will be the same as the legal unit which is the enterprise.

Statistical population

All units conducting Danish economic activity

Reference area


Time coverage

The input-output tables are available for every year since 1966. Publication of the tables follows the publication of the final national accounts which currently extents to 2019. However, at the 69 industry level, two additional years are compiled.

Base period

Not relevant.

Unit of measure

The input-output tables are compiled in 1000 DKK. Tables are published in current prices as well as in previous years prices.

Reference period

The reference period of the figures in the annual final national accounts is the calendar year. Flow figures refer to transactions during the year, while employment figures of the type number of employed are averages over the year.

Frequency of dissemination

Annually as the final annual national accounts.

Legal acts and other agreements

The act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik) subsections 6 and 8-12.

Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 of 25 June 1996 concerning the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community (ESA 95) (OJ L 310 30.11.96, p. 1). Commission Regulation (EC) No 1889/2002 of 23 October 2002 on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 48/98 completing and amending Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the allocation of financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) within the European System of national and regional Accounts (ESA). Commission Decision of 17 December 2002 further clarifying Annex A to Council Regulation (EC) No. 2223/96 as concerns the principles for measuring prices and volumes in national accounts.

Cost and burden

No direct burden since the table is derived from the National Accounts.


Input-output tables has their own subject page