Statistical processing
Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentPeter Rørmose Jensen
+45 40 13 51 26
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The national accounts as well as the input-output tables are compiled according to the definitions in EU's "European System of National and Regional Accounts - ESA2010", which is a European version of the UN's "A System of National Accounts 2008". In terms of data the input-output tables is almost entirely based on supply and use tables.
Source data
The input-output table is based on the functional part of the final version of the National Accounts, complemented with a variety of assumptions as laid down by ESA 2010. The only exception is the the elements of Gross Value Added; Other taxes on production, Compensation of employees and Gross surplus and mixed income.
Frequency of data collection
The input-output tables are published annually at the same time as the final national accounts
Data collection
Not relevant for the statistics
Data validation
The full integration between the input-output tables and the national accounts means that the validation of data is done once it has been secured that all data comparable between the two systems are equal.
Data compilation
Input-output-tables are almost entirely based on the detailed product balances in the final national accounts. When the balances are finalized and put together they work as input in the input-output table compilation process. The next step is more or less nothing but a re-organization of all this very detailed information. However one crucial assumption is necessary. It is the so-called "fixed products sales structure". It means that no matter to which use (input or final demand) a product is used it will be supplied in the same relative proportion from Danish industries and imports as it is supplied to the economy in total. The introduction of this one important assumption means that the input-output tables distance themselves a little bit from actual statistics that can be observed in the real world.
As a new feature import corrected contributions to growth are calculated using the input-output method. In the input-output method, input-output tables are used to calculate how much import the individual components in the final demand have given rise to both directly and indirectly. After this, the import is deducted from the individual components in the final use, so that precisely the Danish-produced parts of the final demand are left. These components, which together make up Danish GDP, can finally be calculated as a growth contribution.
The input-output tables are completely coherent with the national accounts and therefore there are no need for any corrections.