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Food Industries
Martin Lundø
+45 51 46 15 12

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Sales of food and beverages to food service

The purpose of the statistics is to provide an overall picture of sales of food and beverages to commercial kitchens, restaurants, institutions, etc. There is a special focus on organic foods, as a supplement to the statistics 'Retail sales of organic foods'. Foodservice has become more important in recent years and a group of industry organizations and companies have wanted comprehensive statistics on the area. The statistics are also included in the formulation and follow-up of objectives for organic food service.

User Needs

The purpose of the statistics is to provide an overall picture of Danes' consumption of foodservice. Foodservice has become more important in recent years. A group of industry organizations and companies have wanted aggregate statistics on food service. The statistics are also included in the formulation and follow-up of objectives for organic food service (as a supplement to "Retail sales of organic food") and for nutrition policy in general.

Users are being stakeholders in the food industries, including the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Organic Denmark and the hospitality industry. In addition, public interest in the development of the consumption of food, including organic.

User Satisfaction

User requirements are covered in the User Committee for food statistics. Statistics Denmark is also in regular contact with key users, including the the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Agriculture and Food and Organic Denmark.

Data completeness rate

No regulations or guidelines.