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The Exit Register

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Asger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46

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The Exit Register 2020

The purpose of The Exit Register is to give a fundament for describing transitions from a education group in The Transition Register to further education or the labor marked.

Statistical presentation

To illustrate the transition from the education groups in the transition register to continuing education or the labor market, there are information about ongoing education or labor market status 3, 9, 15 and 21 month after exit from a education group.

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Statistical processing

There is no data collection or disrupted data processing in connection with the production of the completion register. The starting point is a group of student who complete a education group in the transition register. For each group, there are information on education and labor status 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after departure. The information is obtained from the labor market and The Student Register.

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The Exit Register is relevant if you want to highlight transition from education to either continuing education or the labor market.

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Accuracy and reliability

The information comes from the institutions' administrative register and goes through an comprehensive error check in connection with the annual data collections. The Labor Marked Account constitutes a census of the population and the statistical accuracy of the statistics is considered to be relatively high. There is, however, still some degree of uncertainty linked to the statistics. Fore further information se the statistics documentation for Labor Marked Account.

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Timeliness and punctuality

These statistics are published 3 years after the end of the reference period. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.

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The Exit Register has been compiled since 2012 and there is no corresponding register in other countries.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published once a year in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject From education to further education or employment.

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