Statistical processing
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Population and EducationAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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There is no data collection or disrupted data processing in connection with the production of the completion register. The starting point is a group of student who complete a education group in the transition register. For each group, there are information on education and labor status 3, 9, 15 and 21 months after departure. The information is obtained from the labor market and The Student Register.
Source data
The sources of The Exit Register are The Transition Register, the labor market accounts and The Student Register
Frequency of data collection
The Exit Register is based on the data in The Student Register, the Transition Register and the Labor Market Account which is collected once a year.
Data collection
The majority of data for The Student Register and thus The Transition Register is based on administrative data. Some institutions report via web questionnaires. The data in The Labor Account is different statistics registers in Statistics Denmark, all based on administrative data.
Data validation
See the description of data validation in the statistics documentation for Elevregistert and the statistics documentation for Arbejdsmarkedsregnskab (AMR)
Data compilation
The Exit Register is based on The Transition Register, the labor market accounts and the student register and no data processing is done.
No corrections are made to modify data.