Drug abuse treatment
This set of statistics covers the social drug abuse treatment provided by municipalities and treatment centres, and it is based on data from the register on waiting times in relation to guarantee of treatment for drug addicts (VBGS) in the drug abuse database, Stofmisbrugsdatabasen (SMDB).
The statistics are about the social drug abuse treatments granted by municipalities at the request of persons with drug abuse in accordance with section 101 of the Danish Social Services Act.
The statistics do not include those parts of drug abuse treatment which are only granted in accordance with section 142 of the Danish Health Act.
The statistics contain information about:
- Requests for and initiation of treatment
- Status on completion of treatment
- Compliance of the guarantee of treatment within 14 days.
The guarantee of treatment for social drug abuse treatment is 14 days from request to initiation. The VBGS register from the Ministry for Social Affairs and Senior Citizens is a part of the drug abuse database (SMDB), which is a combined reporting solution for three registers. The other two registers in the SMDB are the register of drug addicts in treatment (SIB) and Kvalitet i den lægelige stofbehandling mv. - KvalHep (quality in the medical drug treatment) for which the Danish Health Data Agency and the Danish Health Authority respectively are responsible.
Prior to July 2019 the SMDB encompassed a fourth register named DanRIS – Danish Registration and Information System by Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research.
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