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    Category of real property, v2:2011

    Name: , EJKAT_V2_2011 , Description: , Description only in Danish., Valid from: , January 1, 2011 , Office: , Prices and Consumption , Contact: , Jakob Holmgaard, ,, , ph. +45 24 87 64 56 , Codes and categories, Open hierarchy, Download , CSV, DDI, 0111: One-family houses, 0111: One-family house, 0129: Residential property with 2 or 3 flats, 0121: Residential property with 2 flats, 0131: Residential property with 3 flats, 0149: Residential property with 4 flats or more, 0141: Residential property with 4-8 flats, 0191: Residential property with 9 flats or more, 0201: Mixed residential and business properties, 0201: Residential and business property, 0301: Business properties, 0301: Business property, 0401: Industrial properties and warehouses, 0401: Industrial property and warehouse, 0509: Agricultural property, 0500: Agricultural property 10-100 ha, 0501: Agricultural property 2-5 ha, 0502: Agricultural property 5-10 ha, 0503: Agricultural property 10-15 ha, 0504: Agricultural property 15-30 ha, 0505: Agricultural property 30-60 ha, 0506: Agricultural property, more than 60 ha, 0507: Agricultural property 60-100 ha, 0508: Agricultural property, more than 100 ha, 0801: Weekend cottages, 0801: Weekend cottage, 0903: Building sites, 0901: Building site under 2,000 m2, 0902: Building site 2,000 m2 or more, 2103: Owner-Occupied flats, 2101: Owner-Occupied flat, not free, 2102: Owner-Occupied flat, free, 9901: Other built-up, 9901: Other built-up, All versions, Name, Valid from, Valid to, Category of real property, v2:2011, January 1, 2011, Still valid, Category of real property, v1:1992, January 1, 1992, December 31, 2010