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Government FinancesJesper Søgaard Dreesen
+45 51 64 92 61
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The population is defined for relatively few units, causing some sensitivity to the constant changes in the population. This adjustment is a result of new players and where companies no longer meet the requirements to be included in the statistics.
Comparability - geographical
The statistics is only comparable with consumer credit provided by companies outside the bank sector.
Comparability over time
Companies included in the statistics can change over time when companies are included or fall out of the population due to a possible industry changes or shutdowns. From 1st to 2nd quarter 2014, there has been a decline the consumer credit, due to a change in the number of business in the sector for non-bank consumer credit companies. Had the number of business been unchanged, the drop would only have been 0.1 per cent instead of the observed 8 per cent. Particularly, the non-bank consumer credit in the shape of blank credits as well as credit card lending has been affected by the change.
Coherence - cross domain
Statistics Denmark is also publishing account statistics for companies with financing and/or consumer credit as their prime activity. The population in each of the two statistics are not completely equivalent e.g. in the present calculation fuel- and retail companies with credit card services are included.
Coherence - internal
The yearly statistics for finance companies include stock sizes for loans corresponding to this statistic - i.e. Purchase and credit cards, loans and credit agreements against collateral. However, there is no direct comparability between the four quarters of these statistic and the figures for finance companies, as the populations are not the same. The statistics for finance companies are also aimed at lending to business.