Statistical presentation
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The statistics analyze the ownership country in terms of land for the ultimate owners. Statistical data contain country of the ultimate owner and selected variables taken from the General enterprise statistics such as turnover, number of employees and number of enterprises.
Data description
The statistics analyze the ownership country in terms of land for the ultimate owners. Statistical data contain country of the ultimate owner and selected variables taken from the General enterprise statistics such as turnover, number of employees and number of enterprises. The main distribution variable is foreign ownership , the owner country, kind of activity and geography.
The statistics are published in NYT from Statistics Denmark (only in Danish) and Statbank Denmark. Summaries are given in the Statistical Yearbook and in the Statistical Ten-Year Review.
When preparing the basis for the statistics is calculated detailed information for all enterprises in the sectors. The statistical basis therefore allows for a number of alternative distributions beyond the published tables.
Classification system
The industry coding
The industry coding follows the Danish industrial classifications, Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07), which is the national version of NACE rev. 2. A complete overview can be found at the DB07 site.
The ultimate owner
The ultimate owner must be understood in relation to the direct owner, since a company can immediately be owned (directly) from a country, even if it ultimately (ultimately) is the owner of another country.
Sector coverage
Includes all sectors.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Number of employees: Persons on the payroll in full-time equivalent units.
Enterprise: Usually corresponding to the legal unit, e.g. limited-liability corporations, sole traders, partnerships, etc. In a few cases several legal units which are run as one entity are gathered into one enterprise.
Turnover: Turnover represents the net sales. Included are capitalised work performed by the firm for own purposes and all charges (transport, packaging, etc.) passed on to the customer. Excluded are reduction in prices, rebates, discounts, VAT and excise duties. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is also excluded from turnover.
The ultimate owner: The statistics are defining a company's ownership attached to the ultimate owner who has control over the company, ie, have the ability to determine a company's consult the general policy, if necessary by select a board. As a rule interpreted the controlling unit as the ultimate owner, directly or indirectly, more than 50 per cent. of equity or shareholders' voting rights. The ultimate owner must be understood in relation to the direct owner, since a company can immediately be owned (directly) from a country, even if it ultimately (ultimately) is the owner of another country.
Statistical unit
The unit in the statistics is enterprise. Usually corresponding to the legal unit, e.g. limited-liability corporations, sole traders, partnerships, etc. In a few cases several legal units which are run as one entity are gathered into one enterprise.
Statistical population
Danish and foreign-owned enterprises in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period from 2004 onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The unit of measure is number, millions kr., thousand millions and percent depending on variable where it is published.
Reference period
The statistics for a given year t, relate to annual accounts ending in the period from 1 May of year t to 30 April of year t+1.
Frequency of dissemination
Annual statistics.
Legal acts and other agreements
Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 20 June 2007 on Community statistics on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates.
Cost and burden
The statistics are based on administrative sources. There is no direct response burden, in connection with the calculation of this statistic.
Other information can be found on the statistics page or available from Denmark's Statistics.