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Statistical processing

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Business Dynamics, Business Statistics
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Foreign Owned Enterprises

Information from the National Bank, the companies official accounts, the Business Register and other sources used to update the population of foreign-owned firms. There also used information from the General Enterprise statistics.

Source data

Information from the National Bank, the companies official accounts, the Business Register and other sources used to update the population of Danish and foreign-owned firms. There also used information from the General Enterprise statistics.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Collected by retrieving information from registers and other statistics.

Data validation

Information on foreign ownership compared between years.

Data compilation

The population is formed on the basis of information about ownership from the National bank and the companies' official accounts.

National Bank collects data on foreign direct investment in Denmark. Statistics Denmark receives information from the National Bank on foreign owned enterprises in Denmark namely the direct owner, ultimate owner and ownership. National Bank collects information via questionnaire.

In addition to the information received from the National Bank used information from enterprises official accounts. This information is kept together with data from National bank. The Business Register is used to identify the enterprises. Non-foreign-owned enterprises are considered Danish-owned.

From the General enterprise Statistics obtained concerning turnover, number of enterprises and employees for all industries in the private sector.


Not relevant for these statistics.