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The importance of cultural and creative industries in the national economy

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The importance of cultural and creative industries in the national economy 2022

The purpose of the statistics on the economic importance of cultural and creative industries in the national economy is to show the significance of cultural and creative industries in the Danish economy, presented within a national accounting framework. Concepts from national accounts, such as production and gross value added (GVA), are linked to the classifications of cultural and creative industries. The aim is to reflect not only the direct activities within the cultural and creative industries but also the indirect activities taking place in other sectors that support them. The statistics are new and are published for the first time with data covering the period 2014–2022.

Statistical presentation

The statistics convert activity in the cultural and creative industries at the most detailed level of the Danish Industrial Classification 2007 into the national accounts' industry classification and national accounting concepts such as production and gross value added. This alignment with the national accounts' industry groupings enables both an input-output model calculation of indirect effects in other industries supporting cultural and creative production, and a comparison of key figures with those for other parts of the Danish economy. The results are categorized by cultural subjects and creative industries.

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Statistical processing

The statistics link the production in selected 6-digit activity codes from the Danish Industrial Classification 2007, which cover cultural and creative industries, to the production in the 117-industry classification of the national accounts. This enables the use of an input-output model to calculate the indirect effects in other industries. The indirect effects in sectors other than the cultural and creative industries are calculated by integrating the cultural and creative production into an input-output model. The calculations are based on ESA2010 and the supply and use matrices of the national accounts, which underpin the official national account figures.

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The cultural industry has significant non-market activity, as well as considerable direct and indirect government support and contributions from private foundations. This statistics can capture these aspects and provide more accurate figures for the sector's economic impact, taking these factors into account. The statistics are based on a value chain approach, distinguishing between the arts, culture etc., are produced and practiced, as well as activities surrounding the creative and performed activities, such as wholesale, retail, distribution, etc. The statistics provide insights into the significance of the various components.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics are based on sources with uncertainties, such as weights from the General Enterprise Statistics and trade in goods and services, as well as assumptions made in the construction of national accounts and input-output tables. Preliminary versions of the most recent reference years and significant economic changes, such as COVID-19, contribute to additional uncertainty. The input-output table and model assumptions result in lower precision compared to directly observed data.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics are published approximately three months after the release of a new reference year for the input-output tables and the final national accounts, which usually occurs at the end of June, i.e., approximately 20 months after the end of the reference year. This includes the release of both preliminary and final figures.

The input-output tables are published once a year, simultaneously with the release of the final national accounts. The publication date for the final reference year is 2.5 years after its conclusion. The two preliminary years are published at the same time as the final year, 2.5 years after the end of the reference year.

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The statistics were first compiled in 2024 with data going back to 2014. The statistics are comparable across the entire period.

It is possible to find statistics on the economy and employment in the cultural sector in other countries, even though there are no international guidelines for producing this type of statistics. The EU, Eurostat, and UNESCO also regularly publish reports that overlap thematically with these statistics and the cultural sector in general.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in a Danish press realease, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank these statistics can be found under the subject Economy in the cultural field.

For more information, visit the topic page Economy in the cultural field.

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