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ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals

The purpose of the statistics ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals is to analyse the access to and use of the Internet, and to follow the development. Survey questions have been deleted and added from time to time, in order to reflect new aspects and developments. The survey is based on international cooperation, a common Eurostat questionnaire and methodological guidelines. The statistics have been compiled since 2001 and in the present form it is comparable from 2008 onwards.

Statistical presentation

This survey is based on a European model questionnaire coordinated by Eurostat. The survey covers among other subjects; access to and use of the Internet and computers at home and at work, type of internet connection used, type of device used for internet access e-commerce etc. Results are calculated both for the population as a hole and for subgroups divided by sex, age, occupation, type of family etc. A number of questions concerning access are directed at households instead of the individual.

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Statistical processing

The results of the survey are grossed-up to ensure their representativeness. After collecting the data, the sample is grouped by a number of background variables, such as age and gender. Each answer gets a 'weight' that correct possible biases. The calculations are done by a regression estimator.

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The statistics are used by the general population, the authorities, interest organizations, journalists etc. as a basis for political initiatives, analyses, articles, forecasts, exam projects, etc.

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Accuracy and reliability

The survey is based upon simple random selection samples, and the results are therefore subject to statistical uncertainty. For the entire populations access to Internet the uncertainty is limited, since the degree of coverage is high. Uncertainty reflects variations in the collected data in comparison to the size of the sample. If all persons/families were identical with respect to access to and use of the Internet, then a sample size of 1 would in principle be adequate.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The survey is published annually and the results are usually published without delay in relation to the scheduled date.

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The survey is harmonized with the EU model questionnaire, which is used in most member states.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in the series Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (in Danish only - News from Statistics Denmark), in Statistical Yearbook (up to 2017), in Key Figures on Information Society Denmark and Information Society Denmark in Eurostat database and publications and in Statbank Denmark (

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